1·Also has the advocate change tradition appraisal way.
2·He wants to change one's costume or dress advocate board, make the permutation of chip and circuit more beautiful.
3·Here the problem is that the advocate view SOA as a panacea, leading to a push to change all the enterprise systems and architecture at once.
4·One of the newcomers, Frederic Mishkin, is a well-known advocate of inflation targeting. There is change at the regional reserve banks too.
其中的一个新人弗莱德里克·米什金(Frederic Mishkin)是远近闻名的通胀目标制支持者。
5·Currently, my school is launching an activity whose theme is that actions change the world to advocate the low carbon living.
6·In our era of ever-growing interconnection, we can peer deeply into an organization better than ever, learn about its past and present, discuss its behaviors and even advocate for change.
7·But what western countries asked is rapid change, some even advocate immediate 40% appreciation, that's not acceptable.
8·Its purpose is to advocate for change and connect countries to knowledge, experience, and resources that will help people build a better life.
9·Provides resources, removes barriers, and ACTS as an advocate for those initiating change.
10·We advocate the change of the policy.